5 Signs You Have Holiday Hang Over

Each year late December rolls around and I can see the glassy eyed tell tale signs that my co-workers, friends and family are suffering from holiday hang over. It affects each of us in different ways, but the symptoms are clear.

Sign 1: Casual day takes on a new low
Do you consider going to work in your PJs? While most of us won't actually show up in the new snowflake flannel nighty we got for the holidays, we do settle for our most comfortable jeans usually reserved for the hang out BBQ in the backyard, wool socks and shoes that could almost pass for slippers.

Sign 2: Fruit trumps chocolate in a head to head match
Would you choose a fresh fruit basket over a box of chocolates? Normally one to indulge chocolate in all of its forms, has the over-eating binge finally caught up? Today, I walked by a perfectly good box of Godiva chocolates and grabbed two clementines. My mouth watered, usually reserved for decadent desserts, at the possibility of getting some much needed Vitamin C.

Sign 3: You long for an empty mailbox
Have you avoided the mailbox lately, fearful of getting yet another card you must return? I love sending and receiving holiday greetings but by the end of December my stamps are used up, and my ability to write thoughtful notes is a skill of the past.

Sign 4: Missing Meeting Syndrome attacks
It's hard to believe, but you start to long for the routine Monday morning meetings. A predictable agenda that doesn't take much emotional contribution looks awfully good after weeks of special occasion celebrations.

Sign 5: Christmas music makes you cringe
At the beginning of December you couldn't get enough Jingle Bells. And today, one more chorus of dashing through the snow and you're ready to throw the radio out the window.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms I encourage you to take two naps, drink lots of water and return calls next week! You'll be doing yourself, and those you care for a big favor. Trust me, I just retyped this sentence four times, and I'm still not sure I got it right! Time to shake off the cookies and get back to reality. I think I'm just about ready.

Just For Fun