Case Study: Increase Blog Views by 38.5% in Just 90 Days

 Content Shapes PRWhen my client, Percussion Software, wanted to increase readership around their thought leadership platform - content marketing.  We was thrilled when we decided to launch a video blog series. When they asked me to host the interview series I was hesitant.  I was passionate about the topic,  could imagine a list of fantastic guests, but would we be able to provide consistency? Would I have enough to wear? How much do I hate my voice on film? Seriously, these are the thoughts that went through my head.I'm pleased to report that with less than $400 in equipment and 90 days we introduced two video formats - interviews and talks.  My fears were completely unwarranted and we've seen tremendous success. Driving 38.5% increase in blog views and increasing traffic to both video and non-video content.I hope this success inspires you to jump in to video with both feet but if you need a little inspiration check out some of my favorite marketers sharing a peak inside their world:

  • Beth Monaghan (@bamonaghan), co-founder of Inkhouse Public Relations discusses the impact of content marketing on public relations, and how Inkhouse successfully markets to such a huge audience.  Learn from Beth
  • Meg Meaney of Nuance (@NuanceInc) talks marketing automation software, metics that matter, and sales integration.  Get Meg's Insights
  • It can be tempting to simply pile content into the top of the funnel to see what bites, but can we use our valuable content more effectively? Meridium's  @Beverly Chiarelli joins me to talk about both creating outstanding content, and using that content at different stages of the buy cycle. Take a Journey with Beverly
  • The more you understand your target audience, the easier it is to create valuable content. But how well do you truly know your buyer? Cintell's CMO Katie Martell (@KatieMartell) discusses how you can dramatically increase effectiveness by aligning your content with buyer personas. Be Inspired by Katie

I hope this their success has inspired you to give video blogging a try. If you need some tips & tricks for getting started this article spotlights how we jumped in with fingers crossed, great guests and an open mind.