New Insight Comes From Changing Your Point of View

I LOVE summer. I have extra time with my boys without the constraints of a rigid school schedule. My clients are a little more relaxed and open to brainstorming for the sake of creativity and not a specific deadline. I get to break out my favorite sunglasses more often! But the most important reason I like summer is that I get to work from so many different places.This summer I worked my backyard watching the boys play in the mud for no particularly reason except they could.backyard work spaceAnd here at the beach with the surf rumbling in the background and the sand between my at the beachAnd at the lake with the cool clear water lapping at my at the lakeAnd by the light of the campfire old-school notebook in hand.campfire workAnd enjoying the summer breeze on my front porch, rocking myself into clear on the front porchIn every one of these places I got real work done. But I also got so much more. I got through that nagging white paper that I just couldn't seem to start sitting at my desk.I finally nailed that email subject line that was driving me crazy.I wrote a LinkedIn post that drove more volume than my previous 5 combined.There was nothing magic about any of these spots except they were not where I usually worked. Changing your environment heightens your senses and gives your brain permission to tackle old problems in new ways. Summer always provides me ample opportunities to take advantage of this cognitive capability.Luckily, when the days get shorter and the nights cooler the opportunity to shake up our perspective doesn't go away. I'm always on the look out for opportunities to learn marketing in a different way and found just such an opportunity a few months ago. Taught by Ph.D researcher and website practitioner this marketing class on the psychology of digital behavior change was not the usual approach. It was a study of human behavior and had me thinking about projects from a new perspective.Brian who taught this classes has launched a new series in the fall. The Psychology for Digital Behavior Change will be in several cities across the US and Canada and it's the perfect way to extend summer time new perspective taking.You can find:

  • A summary of my class experience and Q& A with the professor here
  • A list of fall 2015 class locations here

Best of all, if you decide to take the class, or know someone who might benefit, mention "Samantha Sent Me"  to receive a $48 (8%) discount.